Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Weather PBL

This was a very fun, interactice PBL for students to learn and present about different weather patterns. We began the PBL by going on a gallery walk in the hallway to look at different weather patterns. While studetns were observing the pictures they also took notes on a graphic organizer. Here are some pictures of students on their gallery walk:

Here is a picture of what the graphic organizer looked like to take notes on and a student example:

We also used a few different resources to get a general understanding of different weather patterns. Students then chose 1 weather pattern that interested them and did a mock weather report. Here are a few examples:


The next week we dove right into our partner work for our PBL. For this PBL, students were grouped into groups of three. Each member of the group had a job. The jobs were news anchor, meteorologist, and safety expert. Each group was assigned one weather pattern and a location that it occurs. Students had a list of QR codes and books to do research on their topic. They also had a graphic organizer to help them take notes on their weather pattern. Here is a list of the QR codes:

Here is a copy of the graphic organizer that students used to help take their notes on their weather pattern:

Here are some pictures of students working in groups, using QR codes to watch videos for their research:

After each group finished their research they then worked together to write a script for their weather report. Here is the script template that we used:

Last, students filled their weather report using the app Touch Cast and they turned out great! Check out our videos:

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