Friday, July 18, 2014

Open House

As I sit here this morning and type this I cant believe how quickly this summer has flown by. With this being said, it is probably about time that I begin working on some things for the fall. I, like any teacher, am eagerly awaiting to see my class list and see those names which will make up my class, and community for this school year. With only a few weeks left till open house I decided I would work on some things I wanted to edit from last year. Here is what I came up with:

First day of school reminder note to remind parents and students of what needs to come to school for the first day of school: FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL REMINDER NOTE

We all know that dismissal on the first day of school is a little bit hectic. To make dismissal easier on the first day of school for my class I have created this quick and easy form for parents to fill out at Open House: TRANSPORTATION ON THE FIRST DAY

I have created this mega pack of all things necessary for Open House. I have created it in Microsoft Word so that you can edit it to meet the needs of your class and schedule. It includes a cover sheet, all about the teacher note, class schedule, All About Me Bags, what your child will learn in 1st grade, expectations and rules, and student information form: OPEN HOUSE PACKET. 
 The last product I created for Open House is a basic, but cute sign in sheet for parents and students: SIGN IN SHEET
To all my teacher friends I hope you have a great last few relaxing weeks and I will see you in a few short days.
Happy Summer,

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Reading Like Crazy

I'm not sure about you, but one of my favorite things to do during the summer is to relax and read. I love to get really deep into a series and to feel like I can't put the book down. I haven't always loved to read but over the last few years I have found a deep appreciation for books. During the school year I don't get to read a lot so during the summer I stock up. Here are a few of my favorites that I have read/reread so far this summer:

Firefly Lane is an amazing book by Kristin Hannah, a local Atlanta writer. In this book two girls start their long friendship on Firefly Lane. The book continues with the girls lives and friendship thru high school and then goes on to college, marriage and families. This is an amazing book that I read in just a few short days.

Fly Away is the sequel to Firefly Lane. I wont say much about it because it will give away the plot of Firefly Lane but this book also had me deep into reading for a few short days.

My next book I read this summer is the very popular, The Fault in Our Stars, I wont go into too much detail because I am sure you have heard all about this book, but it is worth the quick read. I couldn't put it down and finished it in two short days (shout out to my friend Caitlin Layfield for letting me borrow it).  I am looking forward to hopefully seeing the movie sometime this week and seeing how it compares to the book.

The last book that I have read so far this summer is yet another Kristin Hannah book, Home Again. This book has an incredible plot and love story. I could not put this book down the past two days and highly recommend you give it a read.

If you still have some extra time on your hands this summer or if you're heading off on a vacation I highly recommend you read one of these great books.

Happy Reading!