Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Back to School

After three long days (and a few late nights)my classroom is finally ready for Open House tomorrow. After preparing and thinking all summer of how I want my classroom to look for this school year, I think I have it just right! I am so excited to meet 19 little faces tomorrow, who I will call mine for the next ten months. Over these next ten months, we will do a lot of learning, exploring, making new friends, working thru problems together, all the while celebrating milestones, and most importantly creating a strong classroom family. I know that there will be little sleep for me tonight as I anxiously wait to meet my students and their families tomorrow morning. In the meantime here are some pictures of my finished classroom:
 Main bulletin board as you walk in with hooks for student backpacks.
 Reading center bulletin board with a few of my favorite books.
 Writing center with writing center bulletin board
 My counter
 Classroom jobs
 Computers and bulletin board where I will display anchor charts we create as a class
 Word work center and word wall
 View of my classroom from the door with my wonderful husband who came to help
 My desk
 Reading center
 Smart board and rug