Saturday, September 19, 2015

Fall Weather

I'm not sure about you but after this past weekend of crisp Georgia temperatures, I am ready for fall weather! Unfortunately, looking at the weather this week, these cool temperatures are not planning on staying with us quite yet. Fall is my favorite time of year for many reasons. One of the big reasons is football, but others include:  crockpot dinners, crinkling leaves, pumpkin patches, and hot flavored coffee drinks, oh yes and don't let me forget BOOTS! Even Ansleigh was ready for fall this weekend with her attire! :)

Confession: I am writing this part of the blog a weekend later and the cool fall temps have left us.With September passing by quickly our class dove right into a fall unit. This past week we did a mini unit on Johnny Appleseed. We started out with tasting three types of apples: red, green, and yellow. Then we created a class graph based on our favorite type of Apples. The next day we watched a Brainpop Jr video on Johnny, where we learned many tall tales about him. After that we created an anchor chart with facts about Johnny. Last, each student wrote their own facts and created their own Johnny Appleseed! All in all it was a big hit and the kids loved tasting, learning and writing about Johnny Appleseed!
If you are interested in having your class complete the apple graph check out my TPT site for a copy of the activity! MY TPT Website