Friday, May 13, 2016

Animals Galore

Over the last couple of weeks we have been focusing a lot on animals.. and who doesn't love animals?!?!

While working on animals we also focused on informative writing. Throughout our unit we did several mini projects and one large grade-level project.

Before we could begin any of our research or projects we had to talk about different ways to classify animals. This was the anchor chart our class created:

 The next day I introduced a handful of endangered animals. We talked about what it meant to be endangered. We did a brief overview of several endangered animals. Each student created this foldable that included a few facts for each animal:

A few days later each student was able to choose 1 of the endangered animals to do a research project on. Students worked in groups to collect facts from a variety of sources on their endangered animal. They then used their facts to create a book about their animal. The pages in their book included:
1. Title page
2. Fact pages
3. Habitat page
4. About the author page

Here are some students doing their research:

The last element in each student book was a story. After everyone had learned many facts about their animal, they then turned their animal into a fictional story. Their story had to include a beginning, middle, and ending, as well as a problem and solution. These stories were typed by the students.. and man were they proud! :)

The last part of this project was that each student in first grade was able to create a diorama of their animal. They had to display its correct habitat. Each first grade class was able to tour the Barnwell Zoo.

In writing we have a been focusing on informative writing. Each student chose a different animal to do research on. We then worked through the writing process (graphic organizer, rough draft, peer/teacher editing, illustration, and final draft) to write an informative piece about an animal. After each student finished they made a Chatterpix of their animal. Check them out here:

Here are two examples:

While studying animals we also learned about the life cycle of a Frog. We also learned facts about frogs and toads and compared both of them. For a finished product each student created a watercolor frog. They then used their frog to create a Chatterpix. Check out our finished products:

Here are two examples:

We have had a great last couple of weeks learning about animals! Thanks for reading our blog!

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Just a Blink

If you are tuning in to this post for academic ideas, or school related content, you may want to turn elsewhere as this is a small reflection on the past year.

If you would have asked me a year ago what I thought motherhood was going to be like I would have been very wrong! I cannot believe a whole year has flown by since our sweet Ansleigh was born. The second she was placed in our arms, our world, and our love has forever changed. Although our Friday and Saturday nights look very different than they used to, we wouldn't change it for anything.

Before you were born everyone told us that it would fly by very quickly, we nodded our heads, but never did we REALLY believed it. Perhaps because maybe it seemed like something new was happening every day-new developments, new challenges, new discoveries, and new joys. When I look back on this past year it is hard to remember those beginning sleepless nights, they came and went (fortunately) very quickly. I wish I could make time stand still. I want to have another opportunity to see you open your eyes and observe the world for the first time and to rock you to sleep. I want to relive the joys we had when your rolled over for the first time and discovered how to sit up on your own. And the excitement you had when you could get around the house by crawling. I cannot wait to get to experience the joys and excitement with you with all of your future developments and achievements.

Your Daddy and I have never felt a love so big and so unconditional. Somebody once told me that the love we feel for our children is the closest thing we will know or feel that compares to God's love for us. I love that! Here is to another healthy and happy year!

Happy birthday sweet Ansleigh! Mommy and Daddy love  you so much!!! You melt our heart each and every day.